These Rules of Procedure (“Rules”) will serve as a directive to all Rotarians concerned with the administration of Rotary International District 7640 (“the District”).  The rules reflect the will of the clubs as expressed in resolutions and enactments approved at District Conferences.  Since the clubs provide the funding and the personnel to carry out the District program, projects, and activities, it is only proper that their decisions are carried out.
        Rotarians concerned with the administration of the District and particularly the District Governor, should become familiar with these Rules, the current version of Rotary International’s Manual of Procedure (“current Manual of Procedure”), as well as recommendations of the Board of Directors of Rotary International, which are incorporated herein by reference.  Such duties, responsibilities and policies, as set forth in the current version of these documents, are considered to be a part hereof.
        The District Governor has the primary responsibility for ensuring these directives are complied with by all concerned.  The District Governor and the two most recent, active1 Past District Governors will serve as the official committee for interpreting these rules as necessary, in consultation with District Legal Counsel.
        These Rules are intended to supplement the current Manual of Procedure insofar as they apply to the administration of the District.  Nothing in these Rules is intended to limit the authority of the District Governor, which may be granted to him/her by Rotary International.
Section 2.0
        The officers of the District shall be the District Governor, the District Secretary, and the District Treasurer.
Section 2.1
        The District Governor shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee organized as set forth in this Article and shall be elected by the Convention of Rotary International as provided in the current Manual of Procedure.
The District Governor shall be the supervisor of the District’s Office and the personnel employed in that office by the District.  The District Governor shall direct daily routines and procedures as they pertain to an efficient operation of the facilities.  All District records and files of the District will be housed here along with the District’s audio-visual materials and equipment. A system of information retrieval will be maintained at the District Office for the benefit of the clubs.  The District Office facilities, when possible, will be made available for small group meetings.  Expenses for the operation of the District Office shall be paid by the District.
The District Governor shall convene monthly meetings of all of the District officers, and others as necessary, to assist the District Governor in managing the business of the District.
Section 2.2
        The District Secretary shall be a member of and responsible for recording, printing and distributing minutes of both the District Leadership and Finance Committee meetings at least five days before the next respective meeting. The District Secretary shall alert the District Governor, the District Governor Elect, the District Governor Nominee, and the District Governor Nominee Designee of pertinent dates and the duties for District action as prescribed by the current Manual of Procedure and these Rules and as designated by the District Governor.  The District Secretary shall perform other duties as designated by the District Governor.
Section 2.3
        The District Treasurer shall maintain such records and accounts as may be necessary to show the receipts, expenditures, and the financial condition of the District and shall perform all other duties connected with this office. The District Treasurer shall be responsible for the processing and accounting of all receipts and disbursements of all District monies. The District Treasurer shall receive all monies paid to the District Fund for all expenses except the District Conference, and the District Foundation for which separate bank accounts have been be established.  The District Treasurer shall deposit all receipts in such depositories as may be designated by the District Governor.  The District Treasurer shall make all disbursements from the District Fund in accordance with the approved budget and when so directed by the District Governor.  All checks drawn on the District Fund shall require the signatures of the District Governor and the District Treasurer or the District Secretary for withdrawals.  The District Conference Account requires the signatures of two of the following, The District Governor and the District Conference Chair or the District Conference Treasurer for District Conference withdrawals.
        The District Treasurer and/or the District Administrator shall calculate and prepare all bills to clubs for District charges.
The District Treasurer shall prepare the following financial reports:
        (i)   Monthly Finance reports for Current, Budget, Actual, and Balance to Date at District Leadership meetings;
        (ii)  Quarterly report for Finance Committee meetings
Section 2.4
        All non-elected officers of the District, as provided above, shall be appointed by the current District Governor and shall serve concurrently with the District Governor during the District Governor’s term of office.  Each officer shall perform additional duties assigned to that officer by the District Governor from time to time.  No officer appointed shall serve in a particular capacity more than three consecutive terms and serves at the pleasure of the District Governor.
Section 2.5
        The District Finance Chair shall be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the administration and operation of the District’s finances, including but not limited to “The District Fund,” in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure as well as the provisions of Article 5 of these Rules.
Section 2.6
        The District Administrator shall each be bonded, and the cost of such bonds shall be paid by the District.
Section 2.7
        Major expenses of District officers incurred in the conduct of District business may be reimbursed by the District in accordance with the District Approved Budget.
Section 3.1
        The purpose of the District Leadership team is to enable the District Governor to better serve the District’s clubs and improve the efficiency of District Operations. The Team shall be formulated and implemented in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure. Members of the Leadership Team will include but not be limited to the following: District Governor, District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, District Governor Nominee Designee, Vice Governor, District Trainer, District Public Image Coordinator, District Membership Director, District Public Publications Chair, District Secretary, District Treasurer, District Legislative Chair, District Foundation Director, District Youth Services Director, District Vocational Services Director, District International Service Director, Club & District Support Director, District Internet Chair, District Club Service Chair, and District Community Service Chair.
The primary role of the Assistant Governor is to assist the District Governor with the Administration of the assigned Rotary clubs by helping them be more effective. The District Governor selects Assistant Governors based on the following criteria:
        1. Must be a Past Club President;
        2. Must be an active Rotarian in the District for 3 years or more;
        3.Must be willing to serve a three (3) year term; and
4. Other duties as assigned by the District Governor.
Selected Assistant Governor candidates are required to:
        1. Attend District Conference Annually;
        2. Attend District Training Assembly Annually;
        3. Visit each assigned club at least four (4) times each year;
        4. Attend District Change Over Dinner;
        5. Attend PETS Training Annually; and
        6. Attend Pre-PETS Training Annually.
Section 5.1
        The Governor shall appoint the District Chairs and members of the Standing Committees of the District as follows:
               District Conference;
               Rotary Leadership Institute;
               District Communications;
               Annual District Assembly;
               Public Image;
               The Rotary Foundation;
               District Legal Counsel;
               Avenues of Service Committees, including;
                        Club Service;
                        Vocational Service;
                        Community Service;
                        International Service;
                        Youth Services;
and any other committee required by the current Manual of Procedure or designated by the current District Governor that is not inconsistent with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure.
Section 5.2
        The District Governor Elect shall appoint the District Trainer to work with the following committees with the consent of the District Governor:
        (a)   Annual District Conference Committee;
        (b)  Annual District Assembly Committee;
        (c)   MA PETS Committee; and
        (d)  Any other necessary committees.
Section 5.3
        (a) The Finance Committee shall consist of the following Rotarians:   Nine voting Members: the current District Governor, three Past District Governors, which shall not include the Immediate Past District Governor, the District Treasurer, the District Secretary, and three past club Presidents, who are not Past District Governors. Each past President serves a term of three years, staggered so that only the term of one member shall expire in any Rotary year. The District Governor shall appoint one past club President for a term of three years to replace the one whose term expires.  No member of the Finance Committee shall serve more than three consecutive years.  Any vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the District Governor for the remainder of the term of the vacancy. The non-voting members shall be the District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, and District Governor Nominee Designee.
        (b) The Chair shall be the past club President with the most committee seniority.  The committee shall perform such duties as are set forth in this Article 5 of this article.
        (c) If the Designated Finance Chair cannot serve his/her full term the Immediate Past District Finance Chair will be asked to continue for another year.
Section 5.4
        (a) The Audit Function will be administered by an Independent CPA firm that shall be engaged to perform a Compilation Audit.
Section 5.5
        The Committee on Rules of Procedure, Resolutions and Legislation shall consist of five Rotarians.  They shall propose amendments to these Rules at the District Conference, shall propose resolutions to the District Conference, and shall propose such legislation and resolutions which may be recommended by the District to the Council on Legislation.  The committee shall also review and make recommendations on Rules of Procedure amendments, resolutions and/or legislation proposed by Rotarians through their clubs.  The committee shall develop a written policy to administer the voting procedure for resolutions and or legislation proposed by Rotarians through their clubs and submitted to the District   Conference within the rules of Rotary International.
Section 5.6
        The District Conference Committee shall consist of the following: A Chair of the District Conference Committee, an honorary co-chair who is a Past District Governor (at the discretion of the current District Governor) and other committee members.  The host club shall be the home club of the District Governor unless the District Governor determines otherwise.  The District Conference Treasurer shall also be designated the Assistant District Treasurer. Specifics for the District Conference will be found under Article 10.
Section 5.7
        The “On to” Rotary International Convention shall be named the “On to (name of city hosting convention) Committee”.  The Immediate Past District Governor and the District Governor Nominee shall actively promote attendance by District Rotarians at the annual Rotary International Convention.
Section 5.8
        The Internet Communications Director shall assist in the maintenance and promotion of the District’s website and any related Internet operations of the District.
Section 5.9
        The Publications Chair may assist in the publication of the District Governor’s communications and any other publications authorized by the District Governor.
Section 5.10
        The Public Image Committee shall assist in the publicity and public relations efforts of the District.
Section 5.11
        The Extension Committee shall consist of Rotarians, in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure. They shall assist in the formation of new clubs within the District and encourage Club members to attend club meetings and activities.
Section 5.12
        The Avenues of Service Committees and subcommittees shall assist in promoting activities by the District and clubs within their areas of service and shall provide advice and resources to the clubs to further each Avenue of Service, in addition to Membership.
Section 5.13
        The Rotary Foundation Committee shall consist of the Director and the chairs of the subcommittees and subcommittee members appointed by the current District Governor in accordance with the recommendations of the Rotary Foundation.  Each subcommittee may consist of Rotarians appointed by the District Governor and/or the Foundation Director.  The committee shall promote participation in the activities of the Rotary Foundation and such fund- raising activities and events as the District Governor shall approve.
Section 5.14
        District Legal Counsel shall consist of one or more Rotarians who are currently licensed attorneys in good standing before the bar of the State of New Jersey.  They shall offer legal counsel as necessary on District matters.
Section 5.15
        The College of Governors (“College”) shall consist of all Past District Governors who are members of clubs within the District.  The College shall be convened by the current District Governor on at least two occasions, in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure.  In addition to the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure, the College shall also promote activity by Past District Governors in Zone and International events and activities.  The current District Governor shall preside at all meetings of the College and may invite other District officers, committee members, etc., to attend the meetings of the College.  The District Governor shall provide a reasonable expense out of the District Fund to finance the expenses of the College.  The members of the College may be asked by the District Governor to serve as liaison consultants on any District committee.
Section 5.16
        The District Governor is considered a member of all District Committees except the Audit and Nominating Committees.
Section 5.17
        The District Governor may appoint other special committees consisting of one or more Rotarians for the current District Governor’s term of office as the District Governor may deem appropriate.
Section 6.01
Officer: Youth Services Director
Section 6.02
District Sub Committee and Chairs
Youth Protection: District Youth Protection Officer
                                Interact: District Interact Chair
                                Rotaract: District Rotaract Chair
                                RYLA: District RYLA Chair
                                Youth Exchange: District RYE Chair
                                                Inbound Chair
                                                Outbound Chair
                                                Short Term Chair
Youth Compliance Officer
Section 6.03
District Sub Committee roles:
Interact – For Middle and High School students, or community-based clubs, ages 12 – 18.  The program promotes the development of leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self.
Rotaract – For College/University-based students, or community-based clubs, ages 18 – 30. The program promotes the exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service.
RotaKids – For Elementary School students, ages 7 – 11. The program promotes the development of strength, knowledge, skills, enthusiasm, and determination in our youngest citizens.  They learn about Rotary, and having fun at the same time.
RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Awards: Rotary District students who are juniors entering their senior year in September. intensive leadership experience organized by Rotary clubs and districts where you develop your skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.  The Program is for 5 days, 4 nights at Stockton University
Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE) – Students ages 15 ½ to 18 ½ are eligible for an exchange to spend an academic school year in a foreign land. We receive the same number of inbound students to study in America as we send out.  Eastern State Student Exchange (ESSEX), a multi-District organization, works closely with our district throughout the student’s exchange.  ESSEX also handles all vetting of volunteers and host families, and placement of all inbound and outbound exchange students.
Youth Protection Officer – Oversees club compliance. Committee consists of DG, DGE, DYSD, and Chairs from each Youth Program for overseeing the implementation of the Youth Protection Policy for the District.
Section 7.1
        (a)   The District Governor Elect shall propose a budget for his/her term of office to the Finance Committee by March 1 of the year preceding his/her term of office as District Governor.  The Finance Committee shall meet with the District Governor Elect during the month of March and shall give him/her their recommendations concerning the proposed budget.
        (b)  The budget shall consist of projected income, the annual per capita District dues and allocations for program expenses and operating expenses. The budget shall show a reserve for contingencies of at least $10,000 but not more than 25% of the 3-year average of district expenses.  The Finance Committee shall certify the proposed budget to the District Governor Elect by April 1 of the preceding year and the District Governor Elect shall provide a copy of such proposed budgets to each Assistant District Governor, club president and club president-elect with a notice that such budget shall be presented for adoption at the annual District Assembly.  Such notice shall be given at least 20 days preceding the date of the District Assembly.
        (c)   The budget as presented by the Finance Chair or his/her designee to the District Assembly and as may be amended by the District Assembly shall be adopted by a majority of the club Presidents-elect present and voting at the District Assembly.  Only club Presidents-elect may vote to amend or adopt the District budget.
        (d)  The District Governor shall designate a bank as the District depository and shall open a depository account which shall require the signatures of the District Governor and the District Treasurer or the District Secretary for all withdrawals generally, or the Assistant District Treasurer/District Conference Treasurer for District Conference withdrawals specifically, consistent with Articles 2.5(b) and 7.6. The District Governor may open a savings account or like account in a commercial bank or savings bank for funds not currently obligated by the District.  Investment of funds not currently obligated may be made by the District Governor and District Treasurer in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure.  A separate bank account for the District Conference may be opened by the District Governor at his/her discretion, consistent with Articles 2.5(b) and 7.6.
        (e)   The District Governor may expend the funds budgeted and received. The District Governor shall have the authority to adjust line items provided that the District Governor may not expend more than the total amount appropriated by the District budget, except as hereinafter provided.  Items which are budgeted over several years’ budget or a contribution to special funds may not be expended by the District Governor for any other purpose.
        (f)   The budget shall provide an appropriation sufficient to enable:
               (i)   the District Governor Nominee and partner to attend the Rotary International Convention;
               (ii)  the District Governor, District Governor Elect, District Governor Nominee, District Trainer, and their partners to attend the District Conference;
               (iii) the District Governor, the District Governor Elect, the District Governor Nominee, District Membership Chair and the District Trainer and their partners to attend the Rotary Zone Institute (including the annual Foundation Seminar and any allied programs such as GETS, etc.); and
               (iv) the District Governor, the District Governor Elect, the District Governor Nominee, and the chair of the District’s Rotary Foundation Committee to attend the annual Foundation Seminar.
        Nothing is intended in this provision to restrict the District from providing an appropriation for other District, Zone or International meetings.
        (g)  In the event that a Rotary International Convention is held in a location which requires an unusually large appropriation for attendance by the District Governor Nominee, the budget in prior years may anticipate such expense by a partial appropriation which shall be paid over to the succeeding District Fund until needed for such convention.
        (h)  The budget may contain an appropriation toward the conduct of the District Conference to cover those expenses assumed by the District for the District Conference, including, for example, the expenses of the Rotary International President’s representative.
        (i)  The District Governor shall pay all the obligations of the District no later than one month following the end of his/her term of office and shall dispose of any excess funds as follows:
               (i)  The Outgoing District Governor shall pay over to the Incoming District Governor the sums budgeted which were intended to be paid to a succeeding budget for a specific future use;
               (ii)  The funds remaining will be paid over to the Finance Committee for deposit in the District Contingency Fund, provided that no such transfer to the District Contingency Fund shall be made which will raise the amount of the Fund to more than 25% of the total amount of the budgeted expenditures for the year during which the transfer is made; and
               (iii)  Any excess above the 25% described in the foregoing paragraph shall be contributed by the District Governor to the succeeding year’s District budget.
Section 7.2      Annual Audit
        The immediate Past District Governor shall, by September 1 after the expiration of his/her term of office, deliver a complete set of records of (a) any and all income and expenditures passing through the District, including but not limited to the District Fund, the account if any for the District Conference, and any other funds with sources and uses separate from assessed District dues, as well as (b) budget status, to the Chair of the current District Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee and the certified public accountant appointed to consult with the committee shall review the records of the immediate Past District Governor and shall meet with the immediate Past District Governor and the current District Treasurer to review the records by November 1.
        The Audit Committee will prepare an annual report and forward a copy of that report to the current District Governor for distribution, in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure, as well as the immediate Past District Governor, the current District Finance Chair, and the current District Treasurer.
Section 7.3              Contingency Fund
        The District Contingency Fund, as provided above, shall be maintained in a depository established by the District Governor.  All withdrawals shall be made by the Chair of the Finance Committee and the District Governor.  The funds held in the District Contingency Fund may be expended only in an emergency as approved by a majority of the Finance Committee upon the recommendation of the District Governor.  The Governor Elect, however, may borrow up to $4,000 from the fund on or after February 1, preceding the start of his/her term of office, in order to defray the costs of organizing the District.  The funds borrowed shall be provided for in the District budget and shall be repaid to the District Contingency Fund no later than September 1 of the current District Governor’s term.  A negative decision of the Finance Committee as to the payment of any funds from the District Contingency Fund may be appealed by the current District Governor to the Presidents of the clubs at a regular or special meeting of the District Assembly or District Conference.
Section 7.4      Per Capita Dues
        (a)   Each club shall pay such annual per capita dues as shall be approved in the District budget to cover the District’s general expenses.  Such dues shall be payable semi-annually by each club.  The District Treasurer shall provide:
               (i)  an initial bill to each club on or about July 1 of each year with such dues payable on August 1; and
               (ii)  a subsequent bill to each club on or about January 1 of each year with such dues payable on February 1.
        For each billing, the per capita dues shall apply to all members, other than honorary members, of a club as of June 30 and December 31 of each year, respectively.
        (b)  In the case of a newly chartered Rotary club, there shall be no District per capita contribution for the first two calendar quarters of its existence from the date of its charter.
        Charter Night for new clubs may receive financial assistance from the clubs of the District to the extent of the allocations and purchase of Charter Night tickets in the amount of 10% of each club’s membership, the cost of which shall be approved by the Finance Committee.  All monies relating to Charter Night shall be handled by the District Treasurer.  No funds shall accrue to the District as a result of profit on the Charter Night.  Such funds shall be expended for adequate equipment and supplies for the new club after paying in its entirety the cost of the Charter Night.  The balance shall be presented to the newly chartered club.
        This District has actively endorsed the Rotary Foundation program by encouraging the District’s clubs to contribute to the Rotary Foundation since its inception, and it is proposed that a continuing program, “Every Rotarian Every Year,” be considered by this District in order to implement our obligation to the high ideals of Rotary and the Rotary Foundation.  The resolutions first adopted at the 1954 District Conference and since amended call for a continued program of “Every Rotarian Every Year.:
        (a)   By soliciting from each Rotarian in the District annually the sum of at least $100 to become or continue to be a Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member;
        (b)  By constantly seeking increases in Major Donors, Major Gifts and Endowments, the number of Paul Harris Fellows, as well as Paul Harris Society Members in the District; and
        (c)   By encouraging participation in District and club activities which benefit the Rotary Foundation.
The District Governor Elect shall schedule and conduct a Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (“PETS”) no later than two months following the Rotary International Assembly (R.I. Training for Governors-Elect), in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure.  All Rotary Club Presidents Elect are required to attend the Presidents-Elect Training Seminar (PETS), or be excused by the incoming Governor and have another Rotarian attend in his/her place or attend another PETS.
The registration expenses for attending PETS by the club President-Elect or his/her designated representative will be paid by his/her club through the District assessment with dues. All other expenses including lodging will be paid by the club.
        The District Governor-Elect shall plan and conduct the District Training Assembly in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure. All incoming team members for each Rotary Club in the District should attend the District Training Assembly as well as new Rotarians.
        The current District Governor shall plan, organize, and conduct the District Conference in accordance with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure, with the help and direction of the District Conference Committee.
The District Treasurer shall prepare, within 45 days after the District Conference, a written financial report outlining how District Conference funds were received and used and any other pertinent information pertaining to the management of the District Conference for the guidance of the next succeeding District Conference Chairperson.  A copy of this report shall be sent by the District Treasurer to the District Governor, the District Governor Elect, the District Finance Chair, the District Conference Chair for the succeeding year, the District Secretary, and any individual Rotarian who requests a copy of it in writing
Section 11.1
        The District Conference Committee shall be responsible for assisting the District Governor in all arrangements for the District Conference, including but not limited to hotel accommodations, registration, publicity, promotion and all other areas assigned to it by the District Governor.
Section 11.2
        The Honorary Chair, if selected, shall assist the District Governor in preparing the program for the conference sessions and shall assist him/her in all other ways as the District Governor may determine.
Section 11.3
        The District Conference Committee is responsible for the administrative functions of the District Conference, under the direction of the District Governor.  The committee shall have definitive delegated responsibilities for certain details in District Conference planning, including final site selection and contract negotiations and other activities as indicated in the Rotary International District Conference Manual, District Conference Committee Organization Chart of the District Governor’s Handbook, as well as the Conference Program section.
Section 11.4
        The District Conference Committee shall consist of Rotarians:  Conference Chair, Registrar, Three Past District Governors, three Past Presidents who shall not be Past District Governors, a Treasurer, a Secretary and the District Trainer, the District Governor, the immediate Past District Governor, the District Governor-Elect, and the District Governor-Nominee. Terms are to be staggered so that the two outgoing members will be replaced for the next Rotary year. The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be appointed each year with the current District Trainer as a member of the committee and other Rotarians as needed to insure a successful District Conference.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chair, who shall be a Past District Governor, and six members, one from each of the six counties in the District. Four of the members shall be Past Presidents who are not Past District Governors and two shall be Past District Governors.
                The District Governor shall, within the time proscribed by the Rotary International Manual of Procedures, invite the clubs in the District to submit names to the Committee for Governor Nominee Designee.  The nominated Rotarian must be a member of the club nominating him/her and be a member in good standing. The club doing the nominating must be a functioning club in the District.
        The Nominating Committee shall, within the time proscribed by the Rotary International Manual of Procedures, meet, interview each candidate, and select the most qualified Rotarian for Governor Nominee Designee.
        There shall be an annual District “Change-Over” Meeting as close as possible to the last week of June.  This event shall be the change-over of District Governor, District Leadership and the Presidents of the clubs.  The District Governor Elect and his/her home club shall comprise the committee which will be responsible for making all arrangements, publicizing and conducting this event. This event shall be cost neutral to the District
Section 14.1
        These Rules may be amended by the duly constituted delegates at a District Conference by a vote of two-thirds of those delegates present and voting
Section 14.2
        No Rules amendment may be considered for adoption unless the Presidents and Presidents-Elect and the Secretaries of each club will have received a copy of any proposed Rules amendment at least 30 days prior to the first day of the District Conference at which the proposed amendment shall be considered.  In order to meet this 30-day schedule, all Resolutions, Amendments and Changes originated by the clubs must be delivered to the District Legislative Committee at least 90 days prior to the District Conference so that the matters may be considered by the proper District committee for presentation of the resolution and for submission to all clubs of the District, as set forth herein
Section 14.3
        The District Governor Elect shall arrange for copies of the current Rules and the current Manual of Procedure to be distributed to all club Presidents-Elect at the annual PETS.
District meetings shall be conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
        The adoption of these District Rules rescinds any other Rules of Procedure or revisions or amendments thereto previously adopted by this District.  Also, any action taken by delegates at the International Council of Legislation shall be effective and will rescind any section of these Rules previously adopted, which are in conflict with the requirements of the current Manual of Procedure.
Adopted April 2017 Vineland, NJ